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Canine Assistants

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Canine Assistants
This is a wonderful place that breeds, trains, and then places lovable and smart dogs with people that happen to have to Canine Assistants Dogsome disadvantages. The dogs help them with physical things such as opening doors, turning on lights, and picking up items from the ground. In addition, and probably more importantly, these dogs "make the wheelchairs that many of these people have - disappear". What does that mean? Well, it means that these dogs are as much about helping people out socially as they are physically. It is truly a magical place when you see people from all over the country visit this place in Alpharetta, Georgia and go home with a new friend. It is truly a life-changing event, not only for the candidates receiving the dogs, but for onlookers like myself that see all of this unfold over a 2-week period every other month. What an incredible service to mankind!

Here are some pictures that I took while volunteering for a film crew run by David Scott. Excuse the poor quality, but these are all "action shots" in the midst of all the chaos of candidates trying out each of the dogs to make sure that the match is the best it can be. The pictures are bigger than normal (50k-95k), and definitely bigger than what I teach my web classes, but I wanted to concentrate on picture quality for this site.

You can check out Canine Assistants' official site at:


Yes, there are spelling differences between the web address and their name. I'm labeling them as these good people do.

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